How I help people
I consider myself blessed to have trained 8-year-olds to 80-year-olds in my career. But these days, my primary focus is on the healthy aging population and bikini competitors. Whether you are 40+ or want to compete in a bikini competition I will put you through a variety of assessments to identify your specific needs and accurately determine your level of fitness to aid in your programming and integration.
I have a philosophy when it comes to hiring a trainer. It’s much like buying a car. You wouldn’t do it without test driving it. It’s a personal choice and one that can be a long-term relationship, so I always offer a free 30-minute consultation for anyone looking to invest in their health.
What’s your goal?
Transformational Training
None of my clients who are over 40 ever felt their age. And why should they? We’re not just as old as we feel, but we’re as old as how our body responds to our physical proclivities and whims.
Although I train people of all ages, I am one of the few trainers nationally who has built a one-on-one concierge fitness service geared towards the segment of the population considered “Baby Boomers.” I wince at the title even though I’m considered part of this target group. Whatever term used, the truth is that our bone density starts decreasing when we start to change hormonally. Osteoporosis and arthritis set in. But the other truth is that the more weight you lift the older you get, the more you prevent injury later in life. Simply, stronger muscles are needed as we age to support the skeleton.
Many of my “more mature” clients have shared some of their most intimate fears/beliefs about aging:
- They believe they’re broken or injured
- They believe they can’t lose weight in their midsection
- Aging has made them fat
- They no longer have any balance
- They aren’t as strong as they used to be
- They fear death
- Health concerns include: cancer, heart attacks, mortality issues surrounding their parents’ death and their OWN imminent death
Under my guidance I have been able to change the lives and mindset of my healthy aging clients whose own family members dissuaded them from working out. I strongly believe in TRANSFORMATIONAL TRAINING. And I promise to challenge you as I promise to change your false and negative beliefs.
- Endurance and overall well-being and strength
- Increased energy
- Overall healthier body
- Lower blood pressure
- Lower body weight
- Reduced need for medications
- Higher serotonin
- Better sex life
- Injury Prevention
- Private, concierge one-on-one training
- Balance work & proprioceptive training
- Integrative training that simulates everyday activities in duration and exertion
- Body-mind exercise
- Multifunctional strength training
- Exercises that promote stability, mobility and joint flexibility
- Motivational music
- Versatile equipment
“It’s not about the bikini. It’s about becoming someone you want to become.”
-Leslie Maltz
Event / Competition Training

At the age of 50, I competed in and won First Place in the 2014 Orange County Classic NPC Women’s Masters 45+ Bikini Competition, and Third Place in the Masters 35+ Division, proving that age is just a number!
I didn’t starve to get this body. I didn’t injure myself to get this body. I simply manipulated my body through math. It was a balance of calories and strength training. Of course it did require discipline and dedication. But what great feats don’t?
Frequently Asked Questions
It takes 10-20 weeks* to get Event Ready
*Estimated time depending on each individual’s beginning point.
$100/week (does not include gym time)
Getting started requires three photos (front, side and back photos) and some measurements (body fat and BMI).
From these numbers I’ll create a personalized macro nutritional and fitness map which shows how many calories you’ll need to begin dropping and then maintaining the weight leading up to event/competition day. You’ll be sent workouts and accountability benchmarks electronically.
It depends on your specific goal (are you rounding out a naturally thin physique or do you need to lose body fat while building muscle?) Usually though you’ll be incorporating the following exercises into your routine:
- Cardio
- HiiT
- Body weight exercises
- Plyometrics
- Weight Training
I use the Marco Polo (face-to-face) App to communicate with my clients. We’ll be in contact a minimum of twice a week.
*Estimated time depending on each individual’s beginning point.
Connect with me now!
Schedule your free 15 minute consultation call.